
Welcome to my website.  I hope you enjoy your visit. I love everything about the orchestral world…….the music from the great composers throughout the ages, the musicians, the audience members, supporters and administrators of symphony orchestras.  I am very fortunate to be able to conduct fine orchestras the world over and work with so many wonderful people. To be able to bring the music to life through the efforts and cooperation of so many is a very rewarding experience and I will continue to do my very best to guarantee the survival of this art form as long as I can still wave my arms around. This site will tell you a little something about me and give a sample of my work.
 If you are a lover of classical music you are a friend of mine and, in my estimation, a friend of mankind. Perhaps we’ll meet some day in a concert hall near you.

Happy Trails, 


Paul Polivnick

Be sure to check out Paul’s new book on
Amazon. Click on the book image below.

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    March 2025
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