Premier in China

In 2000 I guest conducted the China National Symphony in Beijing. The 1st trumpeter, Dai Zhonghui had studied at USC and consequently spoke English. So we got to talking and began a friendship which has continued since through the magic of email! He now also conducts and was recently named the "permanent conductor" of the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra. Shenzhen is a city of a mere 14 million just across the bay from Hong Kong on mainland China.

Zhonghui invited myself and the talented composers, Jim Stephenson from Chicago and Joel Hoffman from the Cincinnati Conservatory to come to Shenzhen last week to witness and comment upon the premier of a new work for chorus, children's chorus and orchestra commissioned by the local government and composed by Wang Ning, a highly respected composer in Beijing. There was a symposium following the performance where noted chinese musicians (along with us Americans) gave their opinions about the work. Personally, I enjoyed the music very much. I expressed my appreciation for the magnitude of governmental support lavished upon the orchestra but warned them of the possible danger of becoming lax on audience development. The large hall was only half full. Since the orchestra doesn't desperately need ticket income like we do in the States, there is this danger of not working on filling the house with sufficient energy. Government support or no, our purpose is to play FOR PEOPLE!

We were treated royally. The Director of the Orchestra personally drove Jim and me to get a Chinese massage after a round of sightseeing. The food (of which there was always too much) was delicious, although occasionally there'd be a dish that was a "yuck!" like marinated lamb's head…….

Shenzhen was the 1st region in China to allow capitalism in. The result is astonishing–skyscrapers, Gucci, Prada, luxury hotels and so on. They seem to like to trumpet their wealth. America better lookout!!!!

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